
Sunday, October 31, 2010

just a phase

Currently, Im going through a phase. A phase that is quite difficult for both Jijah and MM. I believe this phase is just temporary but how long it last is beyond my knowledge. I hope it will get over soon. At times like this, though I feel a bit insecure but I think we find strength in our faith and each other. I also believe that this is just a trial that will only knit us closer every time.

Daripada Abu Said al-Khudri r.a. dan Abu Hurairah r.a., Nabi s.a.w. bersabda: "Tidak menimpa seorang Mukmin suatu penyakit yang berpanjangan, kepayahan, sebarang jenis kesakitan, dan kesedihan malahan kedukacitaan, melainkan dihapuskan sebahagian dosa-dosanya." (Riwayat al-Bukhari dan Muslim).


SyAfaWaNi ♥‿♥ said...

jgn lupa singgah blog n vote for me k=) tq

apis585 said...

Just hold on babe!!!

.:nhalilah:. said...

awat ni beb??? sabar k.. ada himahnyer..

Anonymous said...

sabaq u is just a phase..and im sure it will make u a better and stronger wife. all the best and muahssss to u

meenyusuf said...

insy,both of you will sail care dearie..all the best

jijah montel said...

thanx a lot guys :)

Nana said...

Take care my dear. Sometimes time susah2 ni orang cakap apa pun you tak rasa lega. Doa banyak2 and have faith that everything happens for a reason. Sometimes Allah bagi susah sikit so that we appreciate the senang that we are going to get. Sabar my dear!!! Take care ok ;D *muahs*

jijah montel said...

owhh nana.. thanx a lot.. tgh bertahan ni.. and like u said.. everything happens for a reason :)