
Thursday, November 19, 2009

a quick getaway

My beloved MM is giving me a treat!! going to spend the nite at Awana Kijal!! hehehhehe... its like only a few miles away since Im actually in Dungun.. heheheh.. but heyyy.. its been ages since our last holiday trip.. sadly MM cant find holes to escape from work thus the trip to Kb is left undecided.. but I am so desperate for a getaway from this lonely countryside... hence this gonna be a quickie and definitely gonna be our "instant" honeymoon trip... yippie.. ohh yeaaaaa... room services.. of course.. ciao!! happy holiday people!! .

on another note.. its school holiday already.. but I dont feel like it.. because I have to "bertugas" at school on Sunday.. and few weeks after I have extra classes as the preparation for next year's UPSR.. huhuuhuuuu.. for the sake of my kids.. whatever it is :)


emmii said...

happy holiday. best tuh. cuaca dingin sesuwei untuk ehem...

selamat buat anak!!! kihkihkih!!!

apis585 said...

bestnyaaa!!! been wanting to stay @ awana kijal since forever hehehhee..nanti review ek!!!

Anonymous said...

ingatkan dapat cuti mcm murid2 tu... rupanya kena keje gak.... hidupp jijah....

chucky said...

kene betugas?
silela jalankan kewajipan dengan semputnaaa..sempurnaa

Anonymous said...

hi cikgu liza,

huzz link ur blog ye ;)

jijah montel said...

sis emmi.. hujan lebat!!! sejuk gilerrrr ok.. so memang tade keje lain la nak buat!! wakakakakakk!!

apis.. it was really good.. nanti aku review..

abg din.. ape nak buat kan.. saya yang menurut perintah konsepnya.. kesian kat budak pun sama.. tapi tengoklah kehadiran nanti.. kalau tak smpi separuh.. hangennn cikgu dia ni..

caki kiki.. hahahah.. belum apa2 dah semput dah ni.. heheheh...

huz!!! yippie.. another exschoolmate!! amazing how internet can do wonders kan? jom2.. kita link each other :)