the much awaited saga.. presenting new entry of my fiction collections .. the twilight saga.. have been crazily looking for it all the way from west to the east coast.. somehow these books are hot stuffs in the bookstores.. it had sold out like goreng pisang panas!!! despite of the how fast selling it was.. i managed to buy the NEW MOON myself at the mesra mall in ketereh.. yang lain habissss... and with help of my good buddy, Baiti.. she managed to get me the TWILIGHT.. thanx dear..
i barely read any love story anymore.. im more into chick comedy books like sophie kinsella's and julia llewellyn's or cecelia ahern's instead of judith mcnaught's or jude deveraux's... but somehow this saga grabbed my attention to have them as my collection.. i think this is because i used to loved anne rice's " interview with the vampire".. do u still remember that? i watched that movie when i was form 3 at ATPN.. after pmr (1995) i think.. remember how hot brad pitt was in that movie
? ... and i loved to watch "ANGLE" so much.. am picturing david boreanaz inside my head.. mmmmm ... yummy..
anyway.. i have yet read it.. though my heart is so wanting to read it the minute i ripped off the wrapper.. but baiti suggested that i should first watch the movie before reading it.. she geniusly said that having watch the movie first would give the character faces... instead of imagining ntah sapa2 ntah.. but the mzmriza is hardly go for any movies anymore.. mainly because the nearest for us to see the movie is kuantan.. secondly we didnt know what is the cinema booking line number yet.. so i went to look for the dvd.. the *&^%^* one.. but the pic pixel was so lousy.. no choice.. i have to wait for the original dvd which will be released on this march.. tak lama jek lagi.. but my hands is so gatal to flip those pages.. gerammmmm.. sabo.. sabo.. harus cari juga the other 2 installments.. semuanya ada 4 buah..
i barely read any love story anymore.. im more into chick comedy books like sophie kinsella's and julia llewellyn's or cecelia ahern's instead of judith mcnaught's or jude deveraux's... but somehow this saga grabbed my attention to have them as my collection.. i think this is because i used to loved anne rice's " interview with the vampire".. do u still remember that? i watched that movie when i was form 3 at ATPN.. after pmr (1995) i think.. remember how hot brad pitt was in that movie

anyway.. i have yet read it.. though my heart is so wanting to read it the minute i ripped off the wrapper.. but baiti suggested that i should first watch the movie before reading it.. she geniusly said that having watch the movie first would give the character faces... instead of imagining ntah sapa2 ntah.. but the mzmriza is hardly go for any movies anymore.. mainly because the nearest for us to see the movie is kuantan.. secondly we didnt know what is the cinema booking line number yet.. so i went to look for the dvd.. the *&^%^* one.. but the pic pixel was so lousy.. no choice.. i have to wait for the original dvd which will be released on this march.. tak lama jek lagi.. but my hands is so gatal to flip those pages.. gerammmmm.. sabo.. sabo.. harus cari juga the other 2 installments.. semuanya ada 4 buah..
heheh..ko ni jgn le menyeksakan diri...nak baca..baca jek la..hahah...jenuh tu nak tunggu the DVD kluar next month..tu kat US...mesia blom tentu...
read it..go ahead....
bestnyer kalo aku ada masa nak baca buku citer cam ko.. kalo time keje aku cma baca buku2 utk buat slide lecture notes je.. what's a straight life I had.. *sigh...*
baiti - hehhehe.. betapa aku ikut aje ape ckp ko... hehehe.. skema tahap cipan aku nih.. neway.. i already started.. heh..
ila - life aku pon mcm ko gak.. monotonous ajek.. maybe sbb aku bnyk spare time..
rajinnye die membace~!
saye kagum!
comel - membaca adalah satu amalan yang mulia.. ;)
rajinnye.....emmmm dah lama x comment kat cni...busy sesangat...wei sori la aku x sempat jawab tag ko...nantilah bila olahraga daerah selesai....baru le lega skit!!!! tp pastu byk lg event yg sek kita (ops sek aku) kena handle.....nazir plak time ni la nak merayau2....hmmm lama ko tak on9...dok asyik membaca yer skrg....
linda - selalu aje aku online YM.. sembang dgn org yg kita kenal aje.. selalu gak aku smbg dgn dewi.. :).. tapi aku mls nak skype.. sbb bila aku dah mula susah nak berenti skype tuh..
by the way.. ha ahhh.. aku rajin membaca skrg nih.. semua jenis bacaan.. almaklumlah.. semenjak di lantik jadi cikgu perpustakaan nih.. ecewahhh.. nanti aku buat entry psl library aku tuh..
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