
Thursday, February 5, 2009


Ini penangan Raja Lawak (RL) musim ketiga. The first season of RL was first on air back on 2007 if im not mistaken. Sikit pun aku tak layan. In fact, aku takleh layan langsung lawak2 that were performed which mostly slapstick's. Well, i admit slapstick does work well on me once in a while, macam dalam "whose line is it anyway", " Jangan Ketawa" (masa kita kecik2 dulu).. but in RL, most of its way too annoying... Not until last year when Nabil won the second season of it... I wouldnt miss him by any episode smpi aku suruh MR MZMRIZA downloaded every each of his moments in RL.. but i dont know what went wrong, this year the third season of it is so lame. It sparked just a minute.. pastuh hilang tak ke mana.. mungkin orang macam Nabil nih is really like one in a million.. tapi MR MZMRIZA layan jugak the latest season of RL nih.. suka sangat dengan sepah.. kelakar jugak kadang2 tuh..

Anyway, I dont think its fair to compare RL dgn "last comic standing", "whose line is it anyway" ke.. which is way too excellent.. in the US, they are millionnaires. Tengok saja Dane Cook. He had sold out his performance at Madison Square by promoting at his own myspace only. Hebat bukan? Actually kalau kita ada ramai yang macam Nabil pun dah cukup.. in future perhaps there will be more of this Nabil's version.. less slapstick and funnier of course.. less annoying and more interesting.. please.. im begging you out there.. where ever you are..

Kadang2 tuh rindu jugak dengan pelawak2 veteran yang kita ada macam arwah P.Ramlee, Pak Ajis, arwah Yusni Jaafar, Yahya Sulong, arwah Ibrahim Pendek, AR Badul, arwah AR Tompel, S Shamsudin, Mak Mah (orang kampung aku)... fewwwwwhh! ramai sgt.. tak tersebut dek aku.. and Apek? Hmmmm.. boleh tak aku cakap aku dah bosan dengan dia.. maybe one day, ill be missing him too..

Among those yang aku sebut di atas, ada seorang yang aku sangat2 tabik.. and he is not yet a veteran but a senior.. dari zaman dia bulat, kempis, sekarang bulat balik... pada aku, dia nih perintis lawak generasi baru kat M'sia nih... none other than Afdlin Shauki.. with his buddy, Harith Iskandar.. masa sitkom Ahha.. ingat? aku tau ramai yang ingat.. Harith dari zaman "Jangan Ketawa" lagi .. last nite sempat tgk talk show Ally at tv3( this was what made me to write this entry) having the topic about pelawak di Malaysia.. lagi 5 minit nak abis baru aku tgk.. ending last nite punya episode was this video.. aku rasa nih la contoh slapstick yang best.. ok? sembah


emmii said...

iye...tahun ni raja lawak macam lame sangat. i like nabil sebab seolah-olah dia study sebelum dia perform. as for AH-HA, i like the time bila dia potong ba- tuh. hehehehehe...mungkin boleh buat persembahan hari guru ke...heh..

zafwah said...

lawak siot ahha yg ni..tergolek2 aku gelak kan..

C a R t i N i said...

x suka raja lawak thn ni. rasa kesian sgt kat A**R tu. Lawak x jd lepas tu rasa x smpai hati nak tgk dia kena komen dgn juri..


jijah montel said...

emmi - kalau kat bambbo bay boleh buat.. sini takleh.. sbb pemikiran belum beberapa terbuka..

zafwah - memang best.. tak jemu kita dgn afdlin ni..

cartini - thanx for dropping by.. bukan tgk A*** je.. hampir semua peserta RL skrg... sy memang tak "berahi" lgsg nak tgk.. sbb kesian+meluat...