
Thursday, December 10, 2009

out & about

Jijah is leaving Dungun for merely 2 weeks starting today. As of right now, Im still struggling doing the packing. Big fuss... since Im only packing for two but still pening kepalo to decide which one to be cramp into the tiny bag. Anyway usually the packing only takes me a few minutes. To start that few minutes takes me forever.. hehehehe.. so this is kind of a holiday minus MM that he actually going back to Dungun on Sunday.. huhuhuuu.. meanwhile I stay back in Klang, with my family..

Feeling reluctant and yet elated.. reluctant because MM leaving me.. ke yours truly is the one who leaving him? either one.. and elated because cant wait to spend more time with my family especially Ijun, my youngest busyukk brother. He was begging me to teach him how to write notes as his prep for next year PMR. Sigh.. he is going to be in his form 3 next year.. such a big charming boy.. he used to be small.. and so cute... andddd.. so elated too that I get to see my besties again :) and maybe.. if ada rezeki I may get the chance to indulge in the year end sale... yippie!!

One more thing being away means no internet. Thus I will be offline for most of the time. I will find sometimes and place eg starbuck or mcD perhaps to get some updates for my FB and my messy blog :) so.. see yaa!!


chucky said...

welkam bek to meru
crocs sale is tomolo

zafwah said...

waaa....slmt berjoli katak ye kurut..agak2 sket klu gi shopping tu..takut kang x sempat semggu je mrMM da jemput balik..muahahha..

Anonymous said...


nampaknya blog abgdin tak de la menerima kunjungan dari cik jijah beberapa hari ni...

balik je nanti....singgah blog ya!


take care.

jijah montel said...

chucky!!! akak missed lah itu crocs sale!! apsal ko tak sms jek.. isshhh.. eh akak kat meru.. jom ngeteh?

farah.. heheheh.. hari2 dia sound aku.. jgn shopping lebih2 sgt.. mana boleh aku ckp.. kan shopping ni mcm terapi kan.. heheheh.. ala mostly windows shopping jek.. though aku ada la rembat kain ela kat nagoya smpi 6 pasang!

abg din.. singgah!! nanti jijah singgah!! :)