
Monday, June 14, 2010

easy peasy roti tampal

Ok sue me because this is another entry on food.. as I am in my long break so I cook quite often as compare to normal working days. When I am at home, plus all alone memang malaslah nak keluar pergi cari breakfast bagai.. so basically I just improvise what ever I have at home. Like today.. it is called roti tampal..

I am pretty sure apabila dengar nama roti tampal mesti terbayang roti canai tampal kedai mamak kan? Not today.. What I made is kinda similar like cheese sandwhich but I switch the cheese with egg.. sebab cheese nan ado..

Very easy peasy just like pancake or cheese sandwhich.. as easy as A B C..

1. Break the egg into the non stick pan.
2. Let the egg half cooked.
3. Get a slice of bread and press it onto the egg.
4. Turn the bread to the other side once the egg stick to the bread.

Agak² dah crispy.. silalah angkat.. and you can now enjoy them with any sauce, mayonnaise or honey.. ikut tekak masing² la ya..

and Im certainly enjoying mine right now.. yummehhh!!


fatenton said...

roti telur :)

jijah montel said...

i kalau roti telur yang scramble eggs tuh.. Since yang ni telur tu melekat pada roti.. Mcm kena tampal gitu.. I pun panggil roti tampal.. :)

Lady of Leisure said...

i panggil roti telur gak hehe...
breakfast or minum petang pun sedap kan

apis585 said...

hehhee...kita serupaaa...

Kikuri-hime said...

This is certainly my fave! Dah la senang ... sedak mace ceklak!!!! hahahah... Me likey!!!

.:nhalilah:. said...

sedap... ko buat aku terliur.. especially gambo last.. as if mcm this is the last piece yg akan aku ngap.. korg tgk jek.. hikhikhik..

jijah montel said...

lady.. betul betul betul! sangat simple dan sedap juga..

cik dee.. aku masak simple gini je reti.. kalau eggs florentine ke.. hapa ke... tak reti la.. plus.. tak kuasa nak ngemas2 lepas masak tu.. hehehe..

apis.. kan apis kan? heheheh..

ila.. saja je.. provocative kan? ehehe