
Wednesday, October 21, 2009

post mortem: CHEESE CAKE

There was a pot luck party last Tuesday in my school. The Pre school was having the birthday bash for the kids. So all the other teachers have volunteered to cook from home and bring some thing for the party. Initially, I thought maybe I could bake some bread pudding when I suddenly realized that I did not have the loyang to bake. So I decided to make some cheese cake. The idea suddenly came into mind after reading Wawa's blog (thanx wawa). I even took the recipe from her which she got it from another blogger.. amazing huh? how blogging helps exposing our hidden talent.. ecehhh.. berbakat sangat lah cikgu liza ni..

So the nite before the pot luck party, I have stayed up just to make the cheese cake. I dont have mixer so I have been doing it manually.. sampai lenguh2 tangan mak memukul cream cheese tuh.. when all the mixture completed I kept it in the fridge for the whole night.. I did not put it in the freezer though.. hmmm.. tak pe kan?

The next morning, after some bizarre dream about the cake.. nih semua sebab takut kek tuh tak jadi lah.. I saw the cake so nicely frozen and seems creamy and yummy.. the cheezy smell.. hmmm.. sentappppp..

the cheese cake and strawberry jam for topping

Everybody was amazed when I got off the car with a container that filled with the cake since that was the first time I cooked for my colleagues... No wonder that almost everyone impress kan? heheheheeee.. even kat sekolah lama pun just buat nasi goreng jek.. tu pun bantat.. hahahhaaa..

this is my cheese cake which was cut into smaller pieces
so that everyone can have a bite of it..
trust me.. that was also the first time they tasted
this kind of cheese cake.. usually it was the baked one..

In the beginning, the cake looked so pretty and tasty with the strawberry jam toppings but after a while it seemed like the cheese was melting.. seriously the dream that I had the nite before came true... yikessss..

Ingatkan memang pesen cheese cake gitu.. rupanya it was supposedly to be like a pudding.. bukan cair gitu.. hence I post this entry.. I need to know what caused it melted.. the only possible reason that I could think of is that maybe I had poured in too much yogurt.. tu lah.. suka sangat konsep masak campak2 ni.. hmmm..

Though the cake has melted and looked so smeared but the taste still was so good.. biasalah masuk lif tekan sendiri kan.. puji diri sedirilah beb (sila lah muntah beramai2).. to those who like the creamy kind of food was unstoppably asking for the recipe and asking how to make.. but to some who hate milk and butter (like my mom) memang kena reject awal2.. hahahhaaaa..

So dear friends, please help me with this post mortem.. What do you think? What happened to my cheese cake? Why did it melt? Where did i do wrong? hmmmm...


Azurah Anuar said...

liza, i think pasal gelatin tu tak cukup? or too much yogurt. and mmg cepat cair gitu.
massa i buat pun sama.

nanti itanya kawan i yg bagi resipi, and will let u know okeh

btw, congrats sbb berjaya merajinkan diri. :)

emmii said...

haa...buat cis kek stail sikret resepi yah? don't worry. same as sikret resepi, high quality cakes memang macam tuh. kalau biar lama memang akan cair. sebab tuh kek sikret resepi kena makan cepat2

jijah montel said...

wawa... my friend said the same thing too.. maybe kurang gelatin.. or liquid portion terlebih.. cepat sgt kek tu cair.. kena cuba lagi ni.. hehehe

sis emmi.. waaahhh.. itu cheese cake style SR kah? ye tak ye jugak kan.. SR's cakes memang cepat cair if tak simpan dlm fridge or makan lambat.. hmmm.. tiba2 craving SR's new york cheesecake plak..

zafwah said...

aku mmg suke sesgt cheese cake..tak kisah le ape topping bab nk buat sndr bg puas makan da puas aku try..nyakitkan hati jek..kire nyer mcm blh telan jek sbb ada rasa tp rupa totally out..mcm muka pecah rumah..mmg nmpk gaya SR jek kena tggu blik mesia leh mkn puas2..

.:nhalilah:. said...

post mortem ciskek?? errrmm... aku sendiri pun tak pernah buat ciskek lagik nak komen ko punyer.. hahaha.. selalu gak teringin nak buat tp asik pending jek.. tp resepi yg aku ada jenis bakar dlm air..

chucky said...

saya suke makan cheese cake,
walopon ianya dah cair,
ia tetap nampak sedappp

tolong email kepada saya

terima kaseh

jijah montel said...

farah.. rupa memang buruk kan? tapi rasa.. heaven.. hahahahaaa.. janji boleh makan!!! by the way.. mesti ko sgt rindukan SR kan? kat sana takde ek? :P

ila.. camno pulak tu bakar dlm air? baru ni aku dengar..

caki.. ko nak akak email ape nih? resepi ke? ko gi ajelah SR.. pastuh kirim kat akak.. akak nak kuar pekan susah skrg.. jauhhhhh..

Siti Rohimah Haji Nor said...

Kau letak cheesecake tu kat luar lama sgt ke? mmg le cair....

Berdasarkan pengalaman aku, if buat no-bake cheese cake guna yogurt, result dia, selalunyalah,cam gini. Aku lagi suka yg guna cream and aku whip dulu creamnya...tapi boleh ubah yogurt tu dgn cream + lemon juice.

Sepengalaman aku jugak, susah nak dpt resipi cheesecake (dari buku or food site, melainkan org lain dah adjust recipe)yg baik if kita cuba sekali je, kena pandai bega lepas2nya...

Siti Rohimah Haji Nor said...

Yg bakar dlm air tu utk baked cheesecake. Teknik water bath...letak pan cake tu dlm bekas berisi air masa membakarnya, so that the cheese filling will set nicely...dan crust x burn..

OnyNurhusni said...

based on my experience(aku pn hantu cheesecake gak)..aku pn rasa hg kurang letak gelatin kot..

jijah montel said...

eroy... panjang lebar explaination ko.. memang lama kat luar sbb jamuan kan.. unfortunately pulak aku terlebih yogurt.. less gelatin plak.. tu yang dia cepat cair... guna cream better eh? should try taht way plak..

yg bake dlm air tu mcm susah ajek kan? resepi semua sama cuma cara masak je lain ek?.. anyway.. thanx eroy sbb spent some time for me.. :)

ony... betul lah ony.. takpe ni first trial.. ahad ni nak buat lagi.. not with cream, still yogurt sbb ada bnyk lagi stock.. but more careful with the gelatin and yogurt tuh... :)

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