
Wednesday, October 7, 2009

busy bee mode

ah haaaaa... update!! just a brief one.. I am running here and there.. soooooo very busy.. I wish I am this type of busy.. being a domestic goddess.. taking care of the house and family.. the tense wouldnt be so high like I am having now... how I wishhhh.. at least I dont have to juggle it with the office workloads.. concentrating only on domestic calls.. while having my own sweet time at home.. makan tidur.. makan tidur.. hahahahahaa..

Wake up!!! I am just like any other woman, wife, mother (sooo not yet), slave worker.. ooopss!! living the life with so many deadlines.. and I just hate to talk about my job.. though my job is not consider as one of the typical 9 to 5 career... but having to have the work to be done at home since the workplace has a very insufficient environment and lack of facilities really made my blood "go upstairs".. if the job is something that I like such as having doing my own online business or perhaps my own merepek thingy.. surfing, browsing.. shopping online(my new hobby/habit) basically things that I like.. things would be different..

I am all the above pic.. except for the sexy long legs and cute face.. sigh..
owwwhhh.. lupa nak remark.. ALL PICTURES ARE GOOGLED..

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