
Friday, May 15, 2009

ramai tanya...

Lately I have a new obsession. I am so obsess over the tudung Ariani... bukan budak nama Ariani punya tudung.. but the brand itself called ARIANI..

Ok.. It was all started last year when I started blogging.. when my world has less boundaries.. hehehhe.. While I was so keen in collecting the tudung bawal oktant.. I noticed that most of the "cyber" friends were wearing varies of tudung style.. but only one manage to catch my eye.. the Ekin style..

I first bought one in Nilai.. at RM40.. Everything is fine with it.. but the material was a tad bit panas.. hence I seldom wear it.. plus the design make my face seem a bit square like..

I bought another one in Dungun.. cost me only RM30.. but I was not satisfy enough because the size does not match my big head even though the sales girl claimed that was the size that I was asking for.. the M size.. and after several usage the cloth seems stretching and leave marks on it.. huduh laaa... and can you see that? terserlah kejendulan mak.. tak sesssuuaiiii...

I was bloghopping when I saw the pic of my good old friend Baiti was wearing them in her blog.. terdetik di hati ,"cantiknya..." . So I asked her a favour to get me one of those.. She bought me this gorgeous cottony grey tudung.. at RM75.. at the Ariani outlet itself in KL.. The moment I put it on, I was like.. falling in love again.. bestnya tudung ni..

The episode of Ariani in my life has begun.. Every where I went to I would go Ariani hunting.. Finally found one at Mydin Mall.. And a week ago at the Dungun night market, there is a girl who sell Ariani tudung.. This 2 , I would say, merchant.. has it in limited choice though.. and the price.. since Ariani didnt have sort of beli borong kind of trade and I think they bought it at members price so they marked up the price a lil bit.. lil bit? mahal jugak sebenarnya..

The first Ariani I have only cost me RM75. Those tudung they sell range from the lowest price of RM80 to the highest around RM130.. Anyway, I ... being a very very weak person.. yes very weak.. I bought 2 with them.. the brown and purple tudung.. Both has only half awning (the harder part of the tudung) and each cost me RM85 and RM 94.. dah berkenan nak buat mcm mana kan.. Thank god they dont have pink tudung because I need to wear it with my Puteri Islam Uniform.. if they do, I would be totally broke this month.. :)

Ariani's tudung is so comfy and came in so handy when I need to rush somewhere.. give me more time to get ready and extra time for other details such as make up.. The material that is used for the tudung is very good in quality since it is not panas like the other cheap ones.. I think that is why the Ariani is quite expensive.. it has the quality that others dont..

Here is another brand that is quite popular too.. Munawwarah.. It is a bit expensive than Ariani.. their price is slightly costly because rumour has it that our beloved Permaisuri Agong is among their customer.. or maybe simply because they do have better quality.. alah membeli menang memakai..


apis585 said...

Wahhhh...boleh sign up jadi duta ni hehehhe...
Neway Selamat Hari Guru Kurt!!!!
Respect giler kat cikgu2 nis sbb aku nak mengajor anak sorang pun feninggggggggg...Asik naik darah jek hehehhe...

Baiti Mustafa said...

hari guru eh??..bila eh??..aku ingat nak bakes cupcakes for hannah's teacher's at smart reader..

kurt..GOOD NEWS!!..guess what ARIANI ada bukak a big branch kat BB of Bangi!!..yay...mak suka..takyah gi jejauh ke jln TAR..ko turun klang..sila la make time utk dtg bangi..

ko nak pesan kat aku pon bleh..aku sangat sudi jd personal shopper ko..

jijah montel said...

apis - thanx.. ishhh pening lagi ajar anak orang.. cuma bila dah pening sgt tuh aku bolayan kan jek.. heheheh..

baiti - esok la hari guru.. tiap2 tahun pun on 16 mei.. best nya cupcakes.. sini takdelaaa..

bangi ada ariani?.. waaaaa... haruslah aku ke sana.. boleh kot buat gathering kat rumah ko jumpa elly pastuh gi shopping berjemaah ke ariani.. hehehhehe.. apis pun suka ariani jugak kan.. :)

hawaDila said...
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hawaDila said...

mmg lawa... tapi mahal sgt... ade yg murah tak... hihihi

jijah montel said...

dila - ada.. yang awning span tak mahal sgt.. tapi span kan tak berapa elok kan.. akak suka barang yg ada kualiti..

hawaDila said...

mmg tak berkualiti... pakai tuk g medang leh lah... tp wari tak suke.. die cakap tak cantik... aku pedulik hape... nak yang lawa belikan lah kannn... yang penting tak yah gosok... hahahaha