This year I had my Teacher's Day celebration for the first time in Dungun.. It was definitely a day to remember.. :)
To keep it short.. we had a blast because we had the nazir came last week.. so yesterday most of the teachers really took their revenge for all the tense and hard work all this while.. :)
Among the tentative on that day..first was the morning assembly.. we dont have hall since the school is under a major renovation..hence we had had our morning assembly under the bright sunny day.. and it was soooo hot.. so hot that I felt like my face was burning..
Pity the kids.. they should not stand under the sun.. it is wrong you know.. but there was no other option.. anyway kids are always kids.. even under the hot sun they still managed to present us some magnificent performance.. if you were there.. you would fall in love with them.. especially the year one and preschool toddlers.. soooooo cuteeee...
We took a break for about an hour for intraclass competition... 3 competition were held.. there were the colouring competition for level 1 kids.. Creating happy Teacher's Day card and Essay Writing for the level 2 kids..
The school have another competition.. it is called.. Anugerah Hari Guru 2009.. kinda ABP.. there were about 20 categories.. among them was..
- cikgu paling kreatif : cikgu zizi
- cikgu paling garang : cikgu suhardi
- cikgu paling cun : cikgu mazni
- cikgu paling cool : cikgu roslan
- cikgu paling aktif : cikgu hafizu
- cikgu paling suka bebel : cikgu hartini
- cikgu paling cerewet : cikgu rokiah
- etc
To keep it short.. we had a blast because we had the nazir came last week.. so yesterday most of the teachers really took their revenge for all the tense and hard work all this while.. :)
Among the tentative on that day..first was the morning assembly.. we dont have hall since the school is under a major renovation..hence we had had our morning assembly under the bright sunny day.. and it was soooo hot.. so hot that I felt like my face was burning..
Pity the kids.. they should not stand under the sun.. it is wrong you know.. but there was no other option.. anyway kids are always kids.. even under the hot sun they still managed to present us some magnificent performance.. if you were there.. you would fall in love with them.. especially the year one and preschool toddlers.. soooooo cuteeee...
We took a break for about an hour for intraclass competition... 3 competition were held.. there were the colouring competition for level 1 kids.. Creating happy Teacher's Day card and Essay Writing for the level 2 kids..
The school have another competition.. it is called.. Anugerah Hari Guru 2009.. kinda ABP.. there were about 20 categories.. among them was..
- cikgu paling kreatif : cikgu zizi
- cikgu paling garang : cikgu suhardi
- cikgu paling cun : cikgu mazni
- cikgu paling cool : cikgu roslan
- cikgu paling aktif : cikgu hafizu
- cikgu paling suka bebel : cikgu hartini
- cikgu paling cerewet : cikgu rokiah
- etc
Guess what category I won?
*trust me.. it was fun.. because every teacher in my school that day was so sporting..
*trust me.. it was fun.. because every teacher in my school that day was so sporting..
This was some presents that I have received on that very day..
This present, I like the most.. :)

lawa baju! heheheheh...acara kitaorang pun macam huru hara jugak. tapi tak sempat ler nak buat tayangan video...uhuhuhuhuk!
happy teachers day sis~!
mst sronok dpt byk present!
wah.. baju sume sedondon je.. cantik plak tuh..
hepi teachers day to u..
aku pun terlupa yg sabtu lepas hari guru until I got some wishes from my students.. tp takde la dapat hadiah cam cikgu2 sekolah.. hehe.. mesti sononok dpt byk hadiah.. apapun yg penting we give the very best in anyway to our students.. kan???
auww...the essay is so sweet!!
mesti berbaloi rasa penat lelah ko semua..
tu pasal la i always say that teaching is the most noble profession...
baju sponsor tuh..
sweetnye surat tuh...
mesti kak liza terharu kn?
lawa nyer baju... best nyer dapat surat.... nak ler baca surat tuh... budak tu bodek ker mmg ikhlas hikhikhik...
waaaa,pipi paling tembam,sib baek menang,kalau kalah gak,meh balik meru
takpe...cikgu paling tembam tapi cute!!! happy teacher's day
p/s: tudung ariana ajer dia.
emmi - huru hara ke? kitorang pulak tak huru hara pun.. cuma GB tak nak sukaneka.. so mandom la sket acaranya..
comel - TQ.. present biasa2 aje.. :)
ila - cantik ke? sedondon memang dah wajib dah.. sebab semua org wajib beli.. :) lupa aku nak wish ko.. happy belated teacher's day.. ala hadiah aku tu pun hadiah biasa2 aje.. and betul kata ko.. yg penting apa yg kita beri pada mereka..
baiti - that essay won first prize in class year 4.. memang overwhelming la.. aku harap aku terus kuat semangat utk anak murid aku.. :)
atune - bnyk ko sponsor.. teman beli sendiri tau.. semua wajib beli.. paksa rela.. taste big boss.. :( tapi terharu gak dgn anak murid yg sorang ni.. teringat zaman sekolah dulu.. kita ni nakal... hehehhe..
dila - itu surat karangan la.. ada pertandingan masa hari guru semalam.. budak ni dpt no satu.. tgk2 dia tulis pasal akak.. terharu gak..
chucky - heheheh... mesti menang punya.. sebab ada 20 kategori semuanya.. cikgu pun ada 20 org.. ingatkan dpt guru paling garang ke paling kuat bebel ke.. heheheh...
haku ko - heheheh thanx.. tau tak i have gain 7kg since i moved here.. memang layak la dapat award tuh.. ehhehe.. oh ya ariani?.. :) cuba la dulu.. baru tau.. :)
slmt hr guru,ckgu liza..smoga anak murid bjaya di bwh bimbingan ckgu liza...sweet sgguh bila bc esei cam lg best ngajar bdk2 bwh umur.Biasanya,apa yg diaorg tulis tu,mmg btul2 apa yg diaorg rs.
yati.. aku memang kembang la jugak masa baca tuh.. tapi aku anggap ini sebagai motivasi.. so that I can really be a good teacher as my pupils expected.. macam masa kita sekolah dulu la kan.. :)
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