Im not sure if this is a good news or not.. some parts of me was so proud.. but i felt a little burdened too.. what is it? remember ALS?
I did not realized that the school was representing the district when the last time i wrote about this.. yes.. DAERAH DUNGUN.. This morning when i came into the staff room, i was told that the school, my very own school, SK DENDANG.. made it through to the state.. which means we will representing the state to the national level.. i had my jaw opened for a while as in response for my "tergezutness" (my own term)...
Due to this "success" we had a meeting this afternoon and a brief talk by our PK KOKU since the HM and PK Kanan were meeting the director of ganu's JPN regarding the same matter... i believe so..
So the talk.. went not well.. we were all in shocked.. we are absolutely not ready for this big thing.. it was supposed to be a "moment".. but to most of my colleague it was the other way around... like a disaster maybe.. sorry.. i was exaggerating... it was about the to do list... we need to prepare at least 300 files.. everything should be in files.. worst is when we were told that we have to shuffle and reorganize all the bilik2 khas... and we have only about a week and half... side note: my school is still under renovation and some stuffs are not being kept properly..
Starting on 20th april untill 28th may 2009.. the federal nazir will be coming.. thank god that my PK said they will inform us first before they make the move to the school... a sign of relief there..
The prizes that we are talking here is not just some 20K or 50K... it could be more.. last year the SMK ZAINAB in kelantan won the biggest reward.. was told 1 million worth of cash... some other schools were about RM180K and RM200K.. and the smallest amount was RM20K... this as according to my PK KOKU.. dont know how far is the truth.. any fellow teachers who know bout this please correct me if im wrong.. if my PK is wrong... hehehhe...
Among the voices that i over heard...
Cikgu Zul : aku rasa GB yang nak sgt nih..
Cikgu Tini : ye lah.. dia kan guru cemerlang.. kenala bagi semua cemerlang..
Cikgu Zul : ha ah la.. yang buat keje kita.. kita la "mangsa" cemerlang nyee..
gelak sorang2 aku... hahahhaha...
The scenario that we were really scare of goes like this... when the nazir ask "apa yang ada di sekolah ini yang membolehkan ia mewakili negeri terengganu?".... a thing for all the citizens of my school to think.. especially the teachers..
SMK Zainab...sekolah hamba tuh...hehehehe...anyway congrats ler pada sekolah tuan hamba karena dapat mewakili ganu. apa yang penting? KERJASAMA!!! (nyanyi dalam rentak lagu wonder pets) gambate hooo!!!
congrats ticer
ade cikgu liza !!!!
hmmmm.. thanks... ari2 balik lmbt sekarang.. habis cepat 2.30pm... kalau staff room tuh ada aircon kan best... nih terasa sgt letih sbb panas.. sabar aje banyak2..
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