
Wednesday, January 6, 2010

something is wrong!!

I think there is something wrong with my nuffnang stats. It showed a tremendous increase of my blog visitors which I find very ridiculous when normally the most I used to get was only 4 or 5 visitors at a time. I noticed it all started after I posted my Avatar and Usana entry. Is those stat reliable? It just got beyond my expectations..

*click on the picture for better view

Check this out.. 412 visitors on the Jan 3rd.. I just could not believe my eyes.. tak pernah² ok... and the weirdest thing is they came mostly from the United States.. From Malaysia pun ramai.. Malaysia tak pelik because I mostly write in Malay kan.. so logik lah if many of my readers were local pun.. but the States? Even Hungary pun ada.. issskkk.. aku mana ada kawan kat sana.. logik ke if my humble blog ni ada reader from all over the world? I dont think so.. Who are these silent readers ?

This is the most recent... today its even weirder.. with 141 visitors most of them were from the US & Germany.. Malaysia's pun tak seramai itu.. Hmmm.. I just dont understand.. Orang putih sekarang ramai dah pandai cakap Melayu ke? pelik.. pelik.. one of my blogger friend, Nana said those from Switzerland, Poland are orang Malaysia yang duduk kat sana, either kerja or furthering studies.. takkan la sampai ramai macam tu kan?

If its true.. Alhamdulillah.. tapi takut pun ada.. Siapa agaknya mereka ini ye.. now nak tulis blog ikut suka pun tak berapa nak berani.. takut kot ada menyinggung perasaan pihak² tertentu.. ehhh.. on second thought.. this is my blog.. I can write anything that I want kan? screw others!! lalalalallalaaaaaa....


Nana said...

wah! american readers! hehe damm cool! Well I know forsure that there are many malays kat US tu! I still have a few friends there. Well good for you what! hehe! Tulis aje apa2 .. paling busuk you get a good debate going in your blog hehe ;D

Anonymous said...

okla tu , cik jijah dah wolrdwide gitu :D

jijah montel said...

Nana.. thats why i kata weird!! i have only one malay friend in US.. I think the Avatar entry did help to boost the stats.. and betul u cakap.. I can write anything!!

Along.. world wide kununnnn.. at least kalau they leave some comment syok jugak.. ini ala² stalker ni.. hmmm...

zafwah said...

waaa...glemer blog ko kurut..leh wat duit ni..

jijah montel said...

hmmm.. visitors stats memang melonjak² tapi income nuffnang aku gitu gak.. tak naik² pun..

.:nhalilah:. said...

wah... terpegun kejap.. cik jijah udah glamer sampai ke us.. huhu..
wei.. nuffnag tu mmg betul ke?? boleh dpt byk?? aku kan pengguna internet yg ala2 amatur ajek.. hikhik..

jijah montel said...

from dungun.. all the way to US? mana adaaa... ala musim² ni jek.. aku dah check dah stats.. sudah drop sikit.. hhuhuuuu.. by the way no harm lah if ko letak si nuffnang in ur blog.. tak rugi apa pun.. sila cube!! kalau ramai orang klik² cik nuffnang ko tu adalah side income sikit.. taklah smpi ratus² pun..

chucky said...

cekgu,i setia bersama mu

Liyana said...

Hi there! It happened to me a few times. It works like this. You dropped a comment somewhere, if blog orang tu byk visitors, diorang akan tgk you blog pulak through you link/profile. For example, I jumpa your blog through your comments kat Nana's blog. Kalau diorang suka your blog,it will continue as they will 'bookmark' you link, otherwise it will drop again. Yes, orang kita ada kat mana2 :)

jijah montel said...

chucky.. i love u forever n ever!!hikss..

liyana.. thanx.. i think that is quite true.. I pun suka buat gitu gak when i bloghopping:) Anyway thanx for dropping by...

Anonymous said...

tak wrong lah... cik jijah...

jijah montel said...

abg din... hehheheh.. tak kot.. saya yang jahil.:P