
Tuesday, July 21, 2009

true story

"Once upon a time.. There was a teacher called Cikgu Liza.. Cikgu Liza had always been nice with her year one pupils.. pampered them with gifts and tokens every time they answered the question correctly.. She had games and quizes.. and the kids were so excited throught out her class.. Anyway.. time passes by.. Cikgu Liza had so much fun too that she simply did not realized that she has spoiled her year one kids.. and on that particular day that one boy had mistakenly pushed Cikgu Liza's button and made Cikgu Liza spontaneously threw something and surprisingly hit the target well!! Directly at the center of his forehead.. the whole class was stunned and surprised of what she did.. even the boy.. he was speechless and his eyes filled with tears.. he was shocked and sad but he still managed to answer Cikgu Liza's question correctly though.. and Cikgu Liza was sad too because she did not purposely intentionally hit that poor boy.. "

True story.. happened yesterday.. in my maths class.. he was mocking the others while they were trying to read the number sentence on the board.. when I instructed him to read he was acting like he didnt know how to read at all.. more like mocking me.. that was when I threw the chalk..


hang nadim said...

suruh budak tu usung kerusi keliling sekolah hehehee

@tune® said...

hamek kau..
degil nau..

Baiti Mustafa said...

my POV?..

padan muka budak tu!! but for me..ko soh jek dia berdiri atas kusi kat belakang kelas..

apis585 said...

hehhee...ok tu...kalu aku dah baling duster agaknye...xpun kerusi meja tuhs hehehe...

jijah montel said...

hang nadim
kesian la plak.. budaknye badan kecik aje.. nak disuruh usung kusi plak.. heeheeehee..

tu lah.. hilang sabar ahkak tau.. gerammmmm..

berdiri atas kusi belakang kelas? things will get worse.. sbb budak2 sekarang benda mcm tu is more like a game for him.. bukan reti malu mcm kita dulu2..

kebetulan plak i had the chalk in my hand.. tuh yang laju aje aku baling tuh.. kot duster memang duster tu lah yang ku hayun..

emmii said...

ler kapur jer ker. aku ingat ko baling buku ke, kasut ke, kerusi ke hape? masa mula2 ngaja dulu aku biasa laa baling kerusi ngan kasut, skang ni baling buku jer. baling2 sayang. menguji mereka menangkap barang dengan cekap. ahahahahahahahah!!!

*kejam sungguh teacher emmii...

jijah montel said...

sis emmi
hehehhe.. you should see the impact..dont underestimate that small white thing..

chucky said...

macam cite back to skool lak

jijah montel said...

back to school? citer ape.. jack black punye cite eh?

SyAfaWaNi ♥‿♥ said...

serves him right..hehe
but still, pity on him kn..
well..he deserves it perhaps..
neway,njoy ur career to the fullest ok sis!hehe