this fella.. which we dont even know the sex.. uses names.. fake identity..and that fella even claims he/she is a muslim.. at first adibah ahmad.. but when the blog (adibahahmad.blogspot.com) is removed by the blogger.. that fella published another blog by the name adibah ahmed (adibahahmed.blogspot.com).. this two is the only names that goes widely public.. maybe there are some other names and identity too.. before, current or after..
as a muslim.. me myself.. i am hurt.. for being insulted like this.. but i know.. i realize that this fella wont stop.. no matter how many blog or websites ever published and removed.. this fella will keep on doing it due to his abomination towards our beloved prophet.. which is in the same time is showing how he/she hates his/her own religion.. his/her way of life.. i am sad..
all i ever wanted is a peaceful world where all of us.. doesnt matter what belief and what road has we taken... we could live together.. where we can perform our daily ritual and belief calmly.. respect others.. and the others will respect us too.. and i know.. this seems to good to be true.. but i believe there are somewhere in this world.. some part perhaps.. that we able to live in such harmoniuos life...
there is nothing much that i can do.. i am just a tiny voice that only can be heard when the rest of the world shut up.. which is impossible.. i can only pray.. through my daily 5 prayers.. for this people to at least stop abuse my religion and just continue his/her life in a way that he/she ever wish.. i summon that all my muslim friends to pray that this fella will change to be a better muslim if he/she really is a muslim.. and maybe we can leave the rest to The Almighty ALLAH.. and dont forget to flag adibah ahmed

as the 2009 is approaching.. may ALLAH swt gives us the strength to be a good and better ummah.. physically & emotionally..
tu la... sesuka hati je nak tulis..
sekarang ni orang kutuk agama islam secara terbuka.. sengaja nak pecah belahkan golongan muda.. cam HARRAAAMMM..
huuuuu lizaaa....setelah berhempas pulas seharian semalaman baru aku terfikir, "kenapa aku buat balik jadual nih? kenapa aku tak print jer yang aku edit smalam lepas tuh jadual tambahan tuh aku buat yang tahun 4 jer ler?" adoii laa liza, i think i've been fooled by myself laa today! tak pe laa, pengalaman..huhu...
Lepas Adibah Ahmad, keluar lah pula blog Adibah Ahmed! Aduhai...
Short Talk
izzat & mr. right- sedihkan.. hanya kerana manusia yang degil dan jahil.. kita ditampar sebegini rupa.. takpe.. saya percaya kepada kebenaran..
emmi- hahahha.. takpe.. we learn from our mistakes..
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