My family has this one ramadhan ritual. Its simply called MUNJUNG. Its actually something that most of Jawa people in my hometown do during the fasting month. My mom is not a Jawa but my father is. She has adapted and well blended with the Jawa lifestyle anyway. So this is one of the Jawa's custom that we look forward almost every ramadhan.
Usually it is held when the raya is near. Usually my mom will cook with the help of us, the daughters and my brother will distribute them food from house to house nearby and relatives too. Being a proud Jawa, I have been wanting to do this ever since I got married. Only this year finally I have the chance to do it.. from scratch.. all by myself :)
The munjung dish consist of a few Malay delicacies. They are nasi impit, kuah kacang, kuah lodeh, rendang ayam or ayam masak merah or sometime just plain fried chicken or rendang daging and even daging masak kicap. As for me, I made nasi impit, kuah kacang with some meat, kuah lodeh and rendang ayam. I think I cook a lot. Among the main ingredients are 2 big fat chicken and 4 pack of santan (tak boleh masak selalu.. habis lah diet).
If you notice these are foods that usually serve during hari raya. I have no idea why the Jawa make it as their custom in ramadhan since the dish will be serve again during raya but I have fun doing it. I couldnt even believe myself to have cook a full pot of kuah kacang, a full pot of kuah lodeh and a whole wok of rendang ayam. Nasi impit was easy since I used the instant one. My mom, she made her own nasi impit. I just cant compete with her. Kudos to her.
Ramadhan is almost at the end now. I used to be so excited waiting for hari raya when I was a child. As year goes by, age increases.. its kinda sad that Ramadhan is leaving. Even though it is tiring, all the cookings and fastings but this is the only month that I feel so blessed. Less fights with the other half too.. hehehhe.. soothing and calming surroundings... but I dont want to wish anyone hari raya yet.. Lets us all do our best in our amalan before Ramadhan leaves us again which is just a few days left :)
Usually it is held when the raya is near. Usually my mom will cook with the help of us, the daughters and my brother will distribute them food from house to house nearby and relatives too. Being a proud Jawa, I have been wanting to do this ever since I got married. Only this year finally I have the chance to do it.. from scratch.. all by myself :)
The munjung dish consist of a few Malay delicacies. They are nasi impit, kuah kacang, kuah lodeh, rendang ayam or ayam masak merah or sometime just plain fried chicken or rendang daging and even daging masak kicap. As for me, I made nasi impit, kuah kacang with some meat, kuah lodeh and rendang ayam. I think I cook a lot. Among the main ingredients are 2 big fat chicken and 4 pack of santan (tak boleh masak selalu.. habis lah diet).
If you notice these are foods that usually serve during hari raya. I have no idea why the Jawa make it as their custom in ramadhan since the dish will be serve again during raya but I have fun doing it. I couldnt even believe myself to have cook a full pot of kuah kacang, a full pot of kuah lodeh and a whole wok of rendang ayam. Nasi impit was easy since I used the instant one. My mom, she made her own nasi impit. I just cant compete with her. Kudos to her.
Ramadhan is almost at the end now. I used to be so excited waiting for hari raya when I was a child. As year goes by, age increases.. its kinda sad that Ramadhan is leaving. Even though it is tiring, all the cookings and fastings but this is the only month that I feel so blessed. Less fights with the other half too.. hehehhe.. soothing and calming surroundings... but I dont want to wish anyone hari raya yet.. Lets us all do our best in our amalan before Ramadhan leaves us again which is just a few days left :)
Samalah kite mix blood. I, jawa campur melayu hehe. How come I donno about munjung ni...
I tau jugak org Jawa suka masak kicap but my mother x pnah masak style Jawa sbb terikut2 ayah yg makan style melayu biasa.I suka masak kicap Jawa. Seriously, dah berpuluh2 tahun tak makan masak kicap versi Jawa tu. Anyway, semoga terus beriktikad di Ramadhan2 yg nak sampai ke penghujungnya ini.
nak jugak munjung tu.... adoiii.. nampak sedap..
kat kg aku.. if org jawa tak tinggal sambal jawa.. ayam kicap....
nanti roger2 ye.. raya ke4 aku dah ada kat sini..
TK.. I rasakan jawa klang aje lah yg buat munjung ni.. hehehe.. actually plan asal memang nak masak daging kicap tapi tak sempat sbb tak cukup masa.. sedap nya kan? i dah tutup dah dapur.. lusa nak balik klang dah.. TK raya mana? anyway.. same goes to u.. semoga ramadhan berakhir dgn baik :)
ila.. hehehe.. next year kalau aku dah duduk klang and aku buat munjung.. aku hantar ke rumah ko ye.. by the way.. samalah.. raya ke-4 aku ada kat klang.. boleh lah nanti jalan raya rumah ko kan..
Wow!! Aku ingat kat kg aku je yg practice MUNJUNG nih...
Hahahah... sesungguhnye,kite bersaudara....
Slamat ari raya, je cik jijah. Maaf zahir batin.Kalu aku terkasar bahasa, aku mintak mahap la ye...
i tau pasal munjung...i kan jaworld hehehe....
miss dee.. tak sangka kat johor pun ada org practice menda ni!! terus rasa nak hugs ko bagai.. hahaha... selamat hari raya maaf zahir batin :) safe journey babe!
mJ.. u orang klang kan? jawa klang memang buat munjung ni kan.. tapi letih la masak sorang.. selalu masak dgn mak and adik2.. fuhhhhh.. semalam MM picit2 kaki I.. dari pagi duk berdiri..hehehe..
CPI.. haaahahah.. cuba ko suh dia makan munjung tu.. mesti dia tau makan..hehehee.. tak lah.. i believe this is practice by those jawa yg dah migrated to mesia berkurun2 lamanya.. jawa mesia ok.. bukan jawa indon anymore..
my dad is jawa.. but my mom is bugis.. so, i jawa-bugis..
tapi tak pernah tahu psl munjung ni..
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