
Friday, August 13, 2010

Ramadhan Already!!

I cant believe myself that I was able to abandon my blog for more than 2 weeks but I wasnt purposely want to do this. Have been wanting to update day by day but failed to do so. Like last week, I was involved with a 3 days course + tasks that due on end of the week. All this job craps...

Forget to mention that last week, my PIL were coming down town to spend time with MM and I. It was very fortunate that it is now the fruit season, here in Terengganu. We had fruit feast almost everyday!

Our journey to and fro from dungun-klang every weekend finally took its toll on us. Both MM and I had this coughing and body aching for almost 2 weeks but we are ok now. Alhamdulillah..

Almost forgotten.. it was our 5th anniversary last month. Alhamdulillah.. It was such a bliss though we have yet be blessed with any kid but we are happy. To commemorate the day, we exchanged gifts. MM gave me a diamond ring and I gave him a nokia hp to match with mine. Rezeki tuhan bagi.. tak putus² :)

Finally came Ramadhan. Syukur. That we still be given the chance to feel the blessing and we decided to spend the weekend here instead of going back to Klang. It has been a while that we last felt the fresh air of our home during weekend. Though the first 2 days was quite a melt down because it was pretty difficult for me to wake up early for sahur and prepared better meal for my MM but he didnt complaint at all. Anyway, I think it will get better in time. Like today I managed to wake at 5am and prepared some instant parathas with reheated fish curry (tak baik membazir). It was quite good though MM said the curry was a bit salty :( Just got to be better.. work harder of course..

On the night before first puasa, we went to the mall to get some stuffs for the kitchen and among the things that we bought are those spices above. Lots of spices and that means I am so excited! I canceled all my tuition class just to do the cookings for this fasting month. I have no choice but cook since PARAM is not so close to where I live and being a school teacher I was given a lifetime privilege to be home early so I have a lot of time to prepare for breakfast. Even though I was so excited to cook, I do keep some instant food for emergency cases :)

on another note.. ada orang tanya since we went grocery shopping on the nite of the first ramadhan, so tak terawikh la kan? wrong! tak boleh ke kitorang laki bini terawikh berjemaah kat rumah? haaaa.. sendiri mau ingat ye..


zafwah said...

salam ramadhan kurut..aku impressed..giler byk rempah ratus ko beli..aku blik mesia nnt tak tau le terbuat ke tak masak ari2 mcm kt mcm nk qada mkn luar..kirenyer cuti masuk dapur 4tahun..blh tak..muahahah..

Nana said...

Selamat Berpuasa!!! and Happy Belated Anniversary!

TK said...

Wah..byknya rempah ratus..
Mmglah sakit badan2 everytime ulang alik...sana sini..
U ngaja sek mana ye kat Dungun??

Anonymous said...

salam ramadhan cik jijah...

lama dah tak meyinggah ke sini...

pinn pinnn pinnn... kasi bising sket kat sini.. hehehehe....

fatenton said...

finally u update jugak blog..
salam ramadhan jijah.. :)

jijah montel said...

farah.. salam ramadhan too! ye la.. ko kat sana susah nak cari halal food kan.. takpe.. besar pahala masak tuk family.. aku ni bulan pose je rajin masak.. bulan biasa harap hujung minggu je :)

nana.. hi!! thanx for the anniversary wish.. selamat berpuasa juga.. i heard this time it is long hours of puasa.. almost 18 hours.. waahhh.. hebat la you alls.. :)

tk.. i bulan pose je poyo gini.. heheh.. dungun kat kg dendang la tk.. somewhere near bukut besi.. very the ceruk one.. nggeeee..

abg din.. lama tak dgr cerita.. selamat berpuasa :)

faten.. tu lah kan.. lama sgt.. letih u.. ulang alik dungun-klang.. hehehe.. selamat berpuasa faten :)