
Sunday, February 7, 2010

sutera batik and jijah

Mari cuci mata kawan-kawan

Oh well.. my canon ixus did not do justice to the sutera chiffon in the pictures. Its actually full beaded all over the printed motives and it is so exquisitely beautiful. I asked how much will they take just for the work on the beads to a pair of baju kurung and they told me it may take around RM200-300 per baju kurung... perrrghhhhh...

Lovely isnt it? A complete baju kurung with this type of beads would cost RM450 and above.. depending in the volume and capacity of beads and the cloth material.

My school is in the search of the school batik uniform to be worn in the coming Hari Guru. Personally it also my first experience in searching for batik sutera. Just so you know, we did not go to Pasar Payang which is overrated actually. Nowadays there are lots of other outlet outside Pasar Payang that sell sutera batik in better bargains. Like the one that I went to. You can get a sutera Jacquard at as low as RM170 there. If you buy in massive amount you may even get better bargain.. as low as RM120 per piece..

Jijah was not alone though. Being accompanied with 2 of my colleagues and my boss (GURU BESAR).. I must say my boss is quite an amazing lady. Her knowledge in batik is quite impressive. She is the one who is wearing the bawal tudung. That young man is the one who is in charge of the outlet..

Bargaining the best price for our school uniform...

A real beauty. Price range RM250-RM320

God knows that I cant afford one just yet sebab habis duit banyak dekat Ariani bulan ini but my friends and I did order a plain material of the sutera above for our Puteri Islam uniform. 2meters for RM60.. for a plain sutera cloth.. not bad huh? Some of my friends in school disagree.. whatever.. tepuk dada tanya selera...

and presenting.. our 2010 sutera uniform...


hang nadim said...

salam....cik jijah ni...kalau jual baju mcm ni ok lah, ramai orang dah buat bisnis mcm nii, english u pun dasyat...ermmm buat dlm english same..nanti minah salleh confirm beli. Brg senang cari..sbb dekat dgn u..

Nurul said...

hehehe~ same mcm my mom..asik2 blk uma bwk baju batik..kejap utk skola,kejap utk ppd, kejap utk selangor..

cik-zura said...

cantikkkk.... wahhh kalo beli byk bleh dpt 100+++ ok sgt la tu cik jijah..

apis585 said...

yg pic 3 drbawah tu new design ke? cantik!!!
tapi 1 je masalah besar aku batik sutera ni sbb almost all tetas/kain pecah kat tpt jahit tu..kan aku ske dok bersila..tensen je beli kain cantik2 pakai 2-3 kali dah xleh pakai hahaha..padahal time beli tu berpuluh kali tanya akak kedai ni xpecah ke, dia punyala ensure x heheh...ganas kan aku hhehe..

emmii said...

nicelah...i bet if i go my back to my hometown surely i can find the nice batik for KGK this year. skang ni kami sedang bertungkus lumus nak carik batik lawa tapi murah. tapi susah nak carik kt sini. ada yang tak kisah mahal tapi ada jugak yang nak murah tapi nak yang lawa. biasa laa, susah nak senangkan hati semua orang

jijah montel said...

hang nadim.. asalnya niat tulis blog sebab nak improve english. english level sekolah rendah. malu dgn kawan².. by the way ada ke mat salleh nak beli batik? boleh jual ke?

jijah montel said...

comel.. heheheh.. mak cikgu gak eh? hehehe.. paham paham je lah...

mai... ko nak? aku bleh tolong belikan...

apis.. takkan sutera sefragile itu? i tot sutera has the most durability compare to other type of cloth..

kak emmi.. nak kirim ke? boleh jek.. 130 satu.. jacquard no. 1.. lelaki lagi best.. siap jahit semua 130 jek..

cik-zura said...

mcm best je beli batik... tp pale otak dah set pakai batik time hari khamis jer... wakkakakaka

Anonymous said...

kalau market ada... wat apa pun pasti berjaya...


cik jijah said...

cik zughaaa.. memang le babe.. ni batik utk pakai hari kamis ler ni.. cuma yang uniform tu kitorang nak guna untuk hari guru.. lepas tu jadi baju batik hari kamis ler..

abg din... market ada.. mana mana pun ada.. orang yang rajin nak bermarketing yang tak ada.. hehehe..